Maher AL-Hawarneh is a Ph.D student in Civil Engineering at University Of British Columbia Okanagan campus (UBC). He received his Master’s degree in applied science in Civil Engineering from UBC Okanagan campus, Canada in 2018 and his Bachelor’s degree from United Arab Emirates University of Sharjah (UOS) in 2013. His research interests include green concrete, structural health monitoring, steel structures, seismic performance of steel and concrete structures and the seismic of structures using recycled material and alternative material such as Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) and Fiber Reinforce Polymer (FRP)
Al-Hawarneh, M, Billah ,AHMM , Alam, M. S. (2019). “Seismic Fragility Assessment of Shape Memory Alloy Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers under Long Duration and Near-Fault Ground Motions”, American Concrete Institute Special Publication on Concrete: Material Science to Applications SP
Conference Proceedings
1. Al-Hawarneh, M., K. Tamanna, and Alam, M. S. (2018). “Experimental Investigation Of The Seismic Performance Of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Bridge Piers.”, 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (11th NCEE), Los Angeles, USA.
2. Al-Hawarneh, M., Alam, M. S., (2018). “Seismic Performance Of Bridge Piers Made With Recycled Concrete Aggregate-An Experimental Investigation”, 16th European Conference On Earthquake Engineering (16th ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 11822.
Works Submitted.
AL-Hawarneh M., and Alam, M.S. (2020). “Seismic Performance Of Rc Bridge Piers Made Of Recycled Concrete – An Experimental Study ,” submitted, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE.
Work In Progress
AL-Hawarneh M.,, A., Alam, M.S. (2020). “Seismic Performance Of Performance based designed and forced based designed Rc Bridge Piers – An Experimental Study” to be submitted, Engineering Structures, Elsevier.