Md Arman Chowdhury is currently working as Graduate Research Assistant under the supervision of Dr. M. Shahria Alam. His research is focused on the seismic performance and application of smart materials such as shape memory alloy (SMA) on steel moment resisting frames.
Articles published in refereed journals :
[1] Chowdhury MA, Rahmzadeh A, and Alam S (2019). Improving the seismic performance of post-tensioned self-centering connections using SMA angles or end plates with SMA bolts, Smart Materials and Structures. 28: 1-24 (MASc Work).
[2] Chowdhury MA, Rahmzadeh A, Moradi S, and Alam S (2019). Feasibility of using reduced length superelastic shape memory alloy strands in post-tensioned steel beam–column connections, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 30(2): 283-307 (MASc Work).
Articles published in refereed conferences:
[1] Chowdhury MA, Rahmzadeh A, and Alam S (2019). Cyclic performance of post tensioned steel beam column connection with end plates and shape memory alloy bars, 7th Int Specialty Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials, Laval, QC, Canada (MASc Work),
[2] Chowdhury MA, Rahmzadeh A, and Alam S (2019). Finite Element Simulation of Top-and-Seat Angles for Self-Centering Connections, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec, QC, Canada (MASc Work),
[3] Chowdhury MA, Rahmzadeh A, Moradi S, Alam S (2017). Cyclic behavior of post-tensioned steel beam column connections with reduced length strands, 6th Int Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials, CSCE, Vancouver, BC, May-June 2017 (MASc Work).
[4] Issa, A., Chowdhury, MA., Tremblay, R., Alam, M.S. (2020). “Probabilistic fragility assessment of self-centering braced frames,” submitted, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan.
Work In Progress
[1] Chowdhury, MA., Issa, A., Alam, M.S. and Tremblay, R. (2020). “Response modification factors for SMA-based self-centering braced frames designed as per the National Building Code of Canada,” to be submitted, Special Issue “SMAs for Structures” in Engineering Structures, Elsevier .
[2] Issa, A., Chowdhury, MA., Alam, M.S. and Tremblay, R. (2020). “Performance-based seismic fragility assessment of BRB and SMA braces,” to be submitted, Engineering Structures, Elsevier.